Logilab ELN - Getting Started

1.1 First Time Login – Password Generation

Once the user account is created, you will receive a welcome mail from [email protected] with Username and Password to login.

  1. Open browser, in the address bar type “https://logilabelntesting.azurewebsites.net/” and then press ENTER.

The Logilab ELN login screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:-Dashboard Rights Screen

  1. In the Organization ID field, type the organization id and then click NEXT. The Login screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: First Time Login Screen 2

If you login for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. In the Usernamefield, type the login id received from your administrator or E-mail.

Once you move the cursor to the Password field, the New Password Generation option appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: New Password Generation Screen

  1. In the Old Password field, type the password you received in the E-mail.
  2. Type new password in the New Password and Confirm Password
  3. Click CREATE. “The PASSWORD SUCCESSFULLY CREATED” message appears and the screen prompts for password.

1.2 Login

To login to Logilab ELN, follow these steps:

  1. Open browser, in the address bar type “https://logilabelntesting.azurewebsites.net/” and then press ENTER.

The Logilab ELN login screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Logilab ELN Login Screen1

  1. In the Organization IDfield, type the organization id: for example, “abc.onmicrosoft.com” and then click NEXT as shown in the above figure. The screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Logilab ELN Login Screen2

  1. In the Username field, type the login id received from your administrator or E-mail.
  2. In the Password field, type valid password.
  3. In the User Role field, select user role to login. By default, the default user role will appear. However, you can click and select other user roles.
  4. In the Site field, select the site to login.
  5. In the Domain field, select the Domain.
  6. In the Language field, English will appear by default. If required, change the language.
  7. Click Login. On successful login, the Logilab ELN dashboard appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: ELN Dashboard

1.3 ELN Main Menu

Logilab ELN main menu appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Logilab ELN Main Menu

Logilab ELN main menu consists of the following:

Dashboard: Enables you to view quick progress of the ELN orders. You can view the trend in the graph. Also enables creating sheet templates and protocol templates from dashboard.


  • Sheet Orders: Helps to register sheet orders and execute the orders. The Pending Ordersand Completed Orders folders enables manage orders pending and completed.
  • Protocol Orders: Enables register protocol orders/dynamic protocol orders and execute. Pending Ordersand Completed Orders folders enables manage protocol orders pending and completed.


  • Sheet Templates: Enables creating templates for lab sheets that are used in Sheet Orders
  • Protocol Templates: Enables creating templates for protocols that are used in Protocol Orders
  • Template Mapping: Helps you to map sheet templates and protocol templates to Tests/Tasks.

Masters: Enables create and manage basic masters in ELN.

Setup: Helps to create and manage user accounts, user roles, Domains and define access to user/ groups. Also enables defining order workflow, sheet workflow, Protocol workflow and password policy.

Audit Trail: Enables you set up audit trail options in Logilab ELN modules, screens and tasks. Also enables view audit trail log.

Inventory: Enables to create and manage masters and transactions related to inventory.

Logbook: Enables creating and manage logbook to track activity and material usage in inventory.

1.4 Common Features of Logilab ELN

1.4.1 List of Common Controls in ELN

The descriptions of common controls in ELN are listed below:

Button NameImageDescription
SaveWill save the changes done to the current screen / dialog.
SubmitWill submit the entries given by the user to perform certain task.
AddEnables add new records to the masters.
EditEnables edit the selected record in the master
DeleteEnables delete the selected record in the master
ImportImports data to the masters
Export / DownloadExports downloads master data to Excel / PDF / CSV
CloseWill close the screen / dialog without saving.
RefreshWill clear the entries in the current form for fresh entry.
Mandatory FieldsAll fields marked with a * are mandatory and must be filled to avoid error/alert messages.

1.4.2 Add Records to the Master

To add a new record to the master, follow these steps:

  1. Open the master to which you want to add a new record.
  2. In the master screen, click. The add screen appears. Fill in mandatory fields and then click SUBMIT.

1.4.3 Pagination

  1. To set number of records to view in the master screen, click the dropdown arrow and select number of records to display on the screen as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Set Number of Records for View

You can view the selected number of records in the master screen. For example, if you select 5. Then each page displays 5 records.

  1. Use the arrows to navigate to the next, previous, first and last pages. You can also navigate the pages by clicking on the page numbers as shown in the above figure.

1.4.4 Import Master Data from Excel

The import option is available for User, Instrument, Delimiters, Method Delimiters, Method, Unit, Section and Material masters.

Logilab ELN enables you import master data from Excel. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On the master screen, click Import. The Import Data dialog appears.
  2. Click Choose File, locate the Excel file and then click Open. If the fields in the Excel file matches fields in the master, the data is loaded and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Set Number of Records for View

  1. Click SAVE. Data is loaded to the master.

If the fields in the Excel file does not match the fields in the master, an Import Data dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Importing Master Data - Different Field Namesw

  1. Under Default Columns,fields from the master are listed. Under Imported Columns, fields from the Excel file are listed. You must map fields from the Excel sheet to fields in the master. You must map fields at least for the mandatory fields.
  2. Click SAVE. Data is loaded to the master as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Data Imported from Excel

ELN allows import duplicate values to the master.

1.4.5 Search Module / Order / Template

ELN Dashboard enables you to search and jump to the module / order / template from the Dashboard.

  1. In the search bar, select Module / Order/ Template.
  2. Type first few letters of the module/order/template name. You can see the matching records pop as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Search Module

  1. Select the module to open. You can see the selected module opens directly from the Dashboard.
  2. When you search an order, you can see the orders matching the search key pop as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Search Order

Details such as Order name, template name, task name, project name, date and  time order created and keyword along with the template type appears.

  1. Narrow the search further by selecting template type: Sheet/ Protocol.

1.4.6 Group Records Based on Selected Column

Logilab ELN allows you to group records in a screen by a selected field/column.

  1. Drag a column header and drop it as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Drag and Drop Column to Group Records

You can use multiple columns to group records.

The records are grouped by the selected column and appear in alphabetical ascending order as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Records Grouped Based on the Selected Column

  1. Clickto display the grouped records in descending order.
  2. Click that appears in the column name used for grouping to clear grouping.

1.5 Change User Role / Site

1.5.1 Switch User Role

If the user account is mapped to multiple user roles, the user will have options listed to switch to other user roles. To switch user role, follow these steps:

  1. Click on theicon that appears at the top-right corner of the screen. The Switch User Roledialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Switch User Role Dialog

  1. Select a user role to switch. The Confirmdialog as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Confirm - User Role Switch Dialog

  1. Click Yes. The user role is switched, and you will see the role appear as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: User Role Switched

1.5.2 Switch Site

If the user account is mapped to multiple sites, the user will have options listed to switch to other sites. To switch site, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon that appears at the top-right corner of the screen. Go to the Switch Site tab as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Switch Site Tab

  1. Select a site to switch. The dialog as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Confirm - Site Switch Dialog

  1. In the Password field, type a valid password and then click Login.

1.6 Adding/Changing Profile Picture

To change your profile picture in ELN, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the profile iconthat appears at the top-right corner of the screen. The Change Your Profile Picture dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:Changing Profile Picture

  1. Click Upload Picture. In the file Opendialog, locate and select the picture and then click Open.

The picture is uploaded and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Uploading Profile Picture

  1. Click SAVE. You will see a “PROFILE PICTURE UPDATED SUCCESSFULLY” message and the updated picture appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Profile Picture Updated

1.7 Notification

The notification feature helps the user to view all the activities related to them and the project team the user belongs to. The number of unviewed notifications appears in red on top of the notification bell.

  1. Click on the notification bell. The list of notifications appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Notification Feature

The notifications are classified in to two categories: Myself and Team.

Under Myself- alerts related to the user currently logged in will appear.

Under Team- alerts related to the team the user belongs to appears.

Once you view the notifications the alert will disappear.

You can also click to open the order to view or work on it as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Opening Order Screen from Notifications

1.8 Profile Menu

The Profile menu enables you to change password, change settings and logout. Click on the dropdown iconthat appears at the top-right corner of the screen. The profile menu appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Profile Menu

Note: The Change Password option will not appear in the Profile menu when the user log in using Microsoft user Id.

  1. On the Profiledrop down menu, click Change Password. The change password dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Change Password Dialog

  1. In the Old Password field, type the old password.
  2. Type new password in the New Password and Confirm Password
  3. Click SUBMIT.

1.8.1 Help

  1. On the Profile dropdown menu, click Help. You can see the Help screen appears in new tab as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Help Screen

  1. Use the left panel to navigate through the topics.

1.8.2 Settings

  1. On the Profile drop down menu, click Settings. You can see the General Account Settingsdialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: General Account Settings Dialog

If required, you can change the date format.

  1. In the Date Preferencefield, select a date format. And then click Update Format.

1.8.3 About

  1. Click the Profile drop-down menu and then click  The About dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: About Dialog

  1. You can see license information, version and copyright details of Logilab ELN.
  2. Click CLOSEto close the About

1.8.4 Logout

The Logout option helps you logout Logilab ELN.

  1. Click the Profile drop-down menu and then click  The Confirm dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Confirmation Dialog

  1. Click Yes to logout.


1.8.5 License

For administrator login, the License option will appear in the profile menu as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: License Option in Profile Menu

  1. Click License. The license information appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: License Information

  1. Click PRINT to download the license information in PDF format to your local storage. The downloaded PDF appears as shown in the figure:

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