Logilab ELN - Sheet Templates

The Sheet Templates module enables you to create lab sheets in Logilab ELN. You can create, design, capture data, calculate and view results using lab sheets.

  1. On the main menu, click and then click Sheet Templates. The Sheet tab appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Sheet Templates Screen

The Sheet Templates screen consists of three tabs:

  • In the Templates tab you can see a list of all the lab sheets created appears. Click OPEN to open an existing sheet.
  • In the Templates Shared by Me tab you can see list of templates you shared to the other users.
  • In the Templates Shared to Me tab you can see list of templates shared to you by the other users.

Use the arrows to navigate to the next, previous, first and last pages. Click the dropdown arrow and select the number of records to display on the screen.

1.1.1 Edit  Template

You can edit template details that are in the Created  status. Click Edit to edit template name, category and template visibility for templates in Created status. When you select a template in Created status, the EDIT option will be enabled as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Editing Template Details

1.1.2 View Version History, Transaction History and Workflow history

  1. In the Templates tab, click to view Version History, Transaction History and Workflow History as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: View Version, Transaction and Workflow History

Click the down arrow to view the list and click the up arrow to collapse the list.

1.1.3 Share Template

You can share the template with other users in ELN.

  1. In the Templates tab, click;to share template with selected user as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Share Template with other Users

  1. In the ELN Unique ID field, select the user.
  2. Select Read or Read/Write  to define access.
  3. Click SHARE. The template is shared with the selected user.

1.1.4 Creating a Lab Sheet

  1. In the Sheet Creationscreen, click NEW to open a new book. By default, Sheet1 will appear as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Creating New Book

1.1.5 Adding Fields

Determine the place/cell to add a field by clicking a specific cell. For example, click A3 and then drag a field from the left panel. The dragged field is added to the specified cell. General Fields

These fields are commonly used in any sheet to capture general information such as system date, current time, and currently logged user, order number, mandatory field etc. Following is the list of general fields in the ELN lab sheet:

Add ResourceUsed to capture resource details from the inventory. Allows add resource
AlertEnables adding an alert or reminder on a specified date and time
Combo BoxEnables choosing value from a predefined list
Current Date & TimeSystem date and time is captured
Dynamic Combo boxAllows fetching the result from another sheet/same sheet/cell
Logged UserCaptures current logged in username
Login TimeCaptures login time of the current session for the first time
Mandatory FieldSheet cannot be saved without entering value to this field
Manual DateAllows selecting Date
Manual Date & TimeAllows selecting Date and Time as a single field value
Manual FieldAllows entering data/number/formula
Manual TimeAllows selecting Date
Multiselect Combo BoxEnables choosing multiple values from a predefined list
Numeric FieldAllows entering a numeric value
Order NoThe processed order number will be displayed
Project NameThe processed project name will be displayed
Sample NameThe processed sample name will be displayed
SignatureUsername of the selected user is displayed as e Signature
Task NameThe processed test name will be displayed
Text WrapperThe text inside the cell wraps to fit the column width. When you change the column width, text wrapping adjusts automatically

Table: 4 - Lab Sheet - General Fields

1.1.6 Adding Alert

Alert option is used to set reminder. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Alert and then click a cell to paste the alert box.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop. The Alert field appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Alert

  1. At runtime, select the alert box and then click the dropdown arrow. The Alert dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Alert

  1. In the Due Date field, select the date of the event.
  2. In the Notify Before field, select the number of days before the alert has to appear.
  3. In the Caution Date field, the alert date will appear.
  4. In the Summary field, type summary of the event / message to display and then click Submit. the alert is set, and the field appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Added Alert

1.1.7 Adding Resource

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Add Resource and then click a cell to paste the combo box.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop. The Add Resource field appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Resource

At runtime, the Add resource dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Add Resource at Runtime

  1. Select material type, category, and material and then click USE INVENTORY .
  2. In the Quantity field, type quantity of material for use and then click Submit . The material is added and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Resource Added

1.1.8 Adding Combo Box

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Combo Box and then click a cell to paste the combo box.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. Click the combo box cell to open the Properties The Properties dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Combo Box

  1. In the Options field, type options for the combo box and then click Update. When you process the order, the combo box appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Combo box At Runtime

  1. Select an option and then click Ok.

1.1.9 Current Date & Time

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Current Date & Timeand then click a cell to paste the current date and time field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.

At runtime, the current date and time is automatically captured as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Current Date and Time Field

1.1.10 Adding Dynamic Combo Box

Add dynamic combo box to the lab sheet that captures dynamic data at runtime. To add a dynamic combo box, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields, drag and drop the Dynamic Combo Box and then click the box. The Properties  dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Creating Dynamic Combo Box

  1. In the Properties dialog, you can specify the Sheet number, Column and from row   to define the place of the dynamic combo box.
  2. Click Group with another Dynamic Combo box in the sheet to group the combo box with other dynamic combo box row wise. When you check this option values of the other combo box in the sheet are grouped to this dynamic combo box. This option works only for the dynamic combo boxes in the same row.
  3. At runtime, you can see the data as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Dynamic Combo Box Showing Fields for Data Capture

1.1.11 Logged User

This field captures the logged username automatically.

  1. Under General Fields , click to select Logged User and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.

At runtime, the current logged username is automatically captured as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Logged User Field

1.1.12 Login Time

This field captures the login date and time of the current session for the first time automatically.

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Login Time and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.

At runtime, the login date and time is automatically captured as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Login Time Field

1.1.13 Mandatory Field

You cannot save the lab sheet until you fill the Mandatory Field.

  1. Under General Fields , click to select Mandatory Field and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.

At runtime, Mandatory Field is highlighted in Red and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Mandatory Field

When you try to save the lab sheet without filling the mandatory field, you will see an alert as shown in the above figure.

1.1.14 Manual Date

The Manual Date field enables the user to select date manually. To add manual date field, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields , click to select Manual Date and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. At runtime, click the down arrow that appears near the Manual Date field. The Select dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Manual Date Field

  1. Clickand select the date as shown in the above figure.

1.1.15 Manual Date & Time

The Manual Date & Time field enables the user to select date and time manually. To add manual date and time field, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Manual Date & Time and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. At runtime, click the down arrow that appears near the Manual Date & Time field. The Select dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Manual Date & Time Field

  1. Click and select the date. Click and select time as shown in the above figure.

1.1.16 Manual Field

Manual field enables the user to add a manual field that can hold any type of data: Numeric /String.

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Manual Field and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.

At runtime, the manual field allows you to type any data type like numeric, character etc as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Manual Field

1.1.17 Manual Time

The Manual Time field enables the user to select time manually. To add manual time field, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Manual Time and then click a cell to paste the field.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. At runtime, click the down arrow that appears near the Manual Time field. The Select dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Manual Time Field

  1. Click and select the time as shown in the above figure.

1.1.18 Adding Multi Select Combo box.

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Multiselect Combo Boxand then click a cell to paste the combo box.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. Click the combo box cell to open the Properties The Properties dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Multiselect Combo Box

  1. In the Optionsfield, type options for the combo box and then click Update. When you process the order, the combo box appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Combo box At Runtime

  1. Select options and then click Ok You can select multiple options in multiselect combo box.

1.1.19 Numeric Field

Numeric Field enables the user to capture numeric value at runtime. When you type non-numeric value, an error message appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Numeric Field

1.1.20 Order No, Project Name Sample Name and Task Name Fields

The Order No   field displays the current order number.

The Project Name   field displays the project name the order is associated with.

The Sample Name   field displays the sample name the order is associated with.

The Task Name   field displays the task name the lab sheet is mapped.

1.1.21 Adding Signature Field to the Lab sheet

You can add Signature field to the lab sheet that captures E- signature of the currently logged in user. And the username is displayed in the Signature field. You can also make Signature field mandatory to track changes done to the lab sheet by various users in the workflow.

When you use the sheet in the workflow, the signature field appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Using Added Signature Field in the Lab Sheet

  1. Click the dropdown arrow that appears next to the signature field as shown in the above figure. The E-Signature dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: E- Signature Dialog

  1. In the Username field, the current logged in username appears.
  2. In the Password field, type the password.
  3. In the Reason field, select the reason.
  4. In the Comment field, type the comment.
  5. Click Submit. The username of the current user and date and time of e-signature captured appears in the Signature field as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: E-Signature Field Showing Captured Username and Date & Time

1.1.22 Text Wrapper

Text Wrapper option is used to insert a textbox that wraps text to fit the column width. When you change the column width, text wrapping adjusts automatically. To add a text wrapper, follow these steps:

  1. Under General Fields, click to select Text Wrapperand then click a cell to paste the alert box.
  2. Press ESC to clear drag & drop.
  3. At runtime, Type something in the text wrapper text box. The text inside the cell wraps to fit the column width. When you change the column width, text wrapping adjusts automatically as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Text Wrapper

1.1.23 Linking Sheets

Link sheets to selected fields. You can only link an approved lab sheet. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select a field added in the lab sheet and then click. Click on the field. The Propertiesdialog appears as shown in the figure.

FIGURE: Linking Sheets

  1. In the Link Sheetfield, only approved lab sheets are listed here. Select the sheet to link and then click Update.

The selected lab sheet will be linked to the selected field.

1.1.24 Adding Comments

You can add comments to a field in the lab sheet. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select a field to add comments and then click.
  2. The Insert Commentdialog appears. In the Comment   field type comment and then click Ok as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Comments

  1. Mouse over the field to see the comment added as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Comment Added

To remove the comment, in the Insert Comment dialog click REMOVE COMMENT.

1.1.25 Adding Chart

You can add chart to your lab sheet to compare field values as shown here:

  1. Select a field and then click . The chart dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Chart

  1. Click New Chart to add new chart. In the Chart Title  field, type the title for the chart you create. Type X axis  and Y axis   names and then click Save.
  2. In the Chart Type field, select the chart type: donut / line / column / area / pie / scatter / scatter / scatter line. For example, select Chart Type as line.
  3. In the Line Style field, select line style.
  4. In the Legend field, type the legend. For example: Population.
  5. Click Pick Color to choose a color for the line and then click Save.
  6. Under Plot the Points , click Add Points. The Capture X option is enabled. Now select points for the X axis as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Points

  1. The points are captured, and the Capture Y option is enabled. Now select points for Y axis. The chart at the bottom of the dialog. You can scroll and view the chart.
  2. Once you finish, click EXPORT TO SHEET to export the chart to the labsheet as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Importing Chart to Lab sheet

  1. Click EXPORT TO IMAGE to download the chart to local storage. Open the downloaded image. The image appears as show in the figure:

FIGURE: Downloaded Chart

1.1.26 Adding Chemical Diagrams

To add chemical diagrams, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Select a cell and then click. The cell turns blue color.
  2. Double-click the cell. The Propertiesdialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Chemical Diagram – Properties Dialog

  1. Use the drawing tools in the screen to draw diagrams as required.
  2. Click Save Sheetand then click Close The added formula appears on the field in SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) format as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Added Chemical Diagram

1.1.27 Tag Fields for Reports

You can tag fields in the lab sheet that shall be used in reports. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select a field and then click. The dialog appears as shown in the above figure:

FIGURE: Tag Fields

  1. Click Add Tag. In the Tag Name field, type the name for the tag and then click. The field is tagged and listed.
  2. Click to edit the tag.
  3. Click to delete the tag.
  4. Same way, follow steps 1 to 4 to create more tags.

1.1.28 Formatting

There are multiple ways to format your spreadsheet. To bold, italicize, underline, or align data to left, right or center in a cell, you can do this by clicking on the buttons shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Sheet Formatting Options

1.1.29 Adding Links

  1. To add an outside link to the sheet, click. The Hyperlinkdialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Add Hyperlink Dialog

  1. In the Addressfield, type/paste the link and then click OK. On clicking the link you will be directed to the respective page.

1.1.30 Adding Functions and Formulas

To add functions to the sheet, type in the function in the top bar in correlation with the cell it is being applied to as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Functions to ELN Sheet

When you process the order based on the formula calculations are done in runtime and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Formula Applied at Runtime

1.1.31 Adding Multiple Sheets

Logilab ELN enables you to create multiple sheets in a lab book. To do so, click that appears at the footer of the sheet. A new lab sheet is added as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Adding Multiple Sheet

You can edit and rename the sheet as required.

1.1.32 Exporting and Importing Sheets

  1. You can export lab sheets to EXCEL or PDF. Click in the sheet. In the File Namefield, type the file name, in the Save As Type field, select the format (Excel / PDF) to export as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Export Dialog - for Excel

FIGURE: Export Dialog - for PDF

  1. Click SAVE.
  2. To export the lab sheet as Json, click.  The sheet is exported in Json format.
  3. Click to import a Json file.

1.1.33 Other Common Features in the Lab Sheet

FeatureDescription Common Controls 
Opens a new lab sheet from the Sheet Templates screen.
Open the selected lab sheet for editing from the Sheet Templates screen. Note that you can edit a lab sheet that is in the "Created" status.
Enables open an existing lab sheet from the Sheet Templates screen.
Saves the changes to the lab sheet.
Submits for review.
Enables import a JSON file. This feature helps to import templates into the lab sheet.
Enables view order in full screen.
Helps close the sheet order. Home Tab 
OpenImports or opens existing lab sheet.
ExportExports sheet to Excel.
Export as jsonExport as JSON.
CutCuts the selection.
CopyPastes the cut selection.
FormatFormat text using bold, italics, and underline.
Link sheetLink a sheet.
ChartAdd chart to the sheet.
TagAdd tag to the field.
LinkInsert a hyperlink to the sheet.
Insert CommentInsert comment to the field.
Insert ImageInsert image to the sheet.
Change background color of the field/column/row.
Text colorChange font color of the selected field/column/row.
BordersChange borders of the selected cells.
Font sizeChange font size.
FontChange font face.
AlignmentAlign text to right, left, center, top, bottom, or justify.
;Text WrapWrap text in the selected cell/column/row. Data Tab 
The Data tab helps to sort, filter, and validate data. Add batch settings and chemical diagrams.
SortSorts data A-Z or Z-A.
FilterFilter data.
Validate DataValidates data in the selected field.
Chemical DiagramAdd chemical diagrams to the sheet.
Well PlatesAdd well plate template to the sheet. Insert Tab 
The Insert tab enables insert column/row above or below. Also enables delete selected row or column.
Enables insert column to the left.
Enables insert column to the right.
Enables add row below.
Enables add row above.
Enables delete column.
Enables delete row.

Table: 5 - Common Features in Lab Sheet

1.1.34 Well Plates

Logilab ELN enables you create well plates templates. Well Plate Templates describe the layout of wells on the plate read by a given instrument. Each well is associated with Sample Type and Sample ID.

To create a well plate template, follow these steps:

  1. In the lab sheet, go to the Data Click.The dialog appears as shown in the figure.

FIGURE: Create Well Plate Dialog

  1. In the Row field, type the number of wells you want to create in a row.
  2. In the Column field, type the number of wells you want to create in a column.
  3. In the Plate Name field, type the name for the plate and then click CONTINUE. The well plate is created and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Well Plate Created

Each well shall be associated with Sample Type and Sample ID.

  1. Click on a well. The well details appear on the right side as shown in the above figure.

You can see the Well ID of selected well.

  1. In the Sample Typefield, select the sample type: Standard / Unknown / Positive Control / Negative Control.
  2. In the Sample ID field, type the Id of the sample.
  3. In the Result field, type the result of the sample.
  4. Same way, fill in the details for the other wells and then click IMPORT. The well plate is imported to the lab sheet and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Well Plate Inserted in the Lab Sheet

  1. Click on the well and type/edit data for each well.

1.1.35 Saving the Lab Sheet

  1. Click Saveto save the lab sheet.

If you close the lab sheet without saving, the following dialog appears prompting to save the changes:

FIGURE: Save Dialog

  • Click SAVE to save the changes.
  • Click DISCARD to close the lab sheet without saving the changes.
  • Click CANCEL to cancel closing operation without saving the changes.

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