Logilab ELN - Task Master

Masters’ module helps the user to add and manage master records for task, project and sample.

Note: For administrators the ActiveSite  field will appear. Hence, administrator user can create site specific tasks,projects and samples.

1 Task Master

Task master screen helps the user to create, edit and retire tasks in Logilab ELN.

  1. On the main menu click, and then click Task Master. By default, the Task Master tab appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Task Master Screen

List of tasks/tests added appears. Details such as task name, category, description of the task, created user, created date and time and task status appear. Options to add, edit and retire tasks appear as shown in the above figure.

  1. Use the arrows to navigate to the next, previous, first and last pages. Click the dropdown arrow and select the number of records to display on the screen.

Note:  For administrators the ActiveSite  field will appear. Hence, administrator user can create site specific tasks.

1.1.1 Adding a Task/Test to the Task Master

To add a new task or test to the task master, follow these steps:

  1. On the Task master screen, click Add Task. The Create New Task dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Create New Task Dialog

  1. In the Task name field, type the task name.
  2. In the Category field, type the category name if any to classify the task.
  3. In the Description field, type description about the task you add.
  4. Click SUBMIT.

The task is added to the task list. You can see a confirmation message.

1.1.2 Editing Task

  1. On the Task master screen, select a task you want to edit and then click Edit Task. The Edit Task dialog appears.
  2. Do the required edit and then click SUBMIT . You can see a confirmation message.

1.1.3 Retiring Task

  1. On the Task master screen, select a task you want to retire and then click Retire .
  2. In the Confirm dialog, click Yes .

The selected task is retired, and you can see a confirmation message. The Task Status  appears as Retired,  and you cannot activate the retired task. You cannot use the retired task in the transactions.

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