Logilab ELN – process sheet order

    • Once an order is registered, the registered orders appear in the Pending Orders folder. You can process an order. When you open the order for processing, the results from the instrument are captured and appear in the sheet. You can review results; calculations etc. and approve/reject the task. When approved the task goes to the next step in the workflow. The rejected task goes to the previous step in the workflow for corrections.

      When the task is in the final step of the workflow, you can complete the task.

      To process order, follow these steps:

      1. On the Sheet Ordersscreen, select an order; click PROCESS ORDER that appears in the Action column of the order as shown in the figure:
      2. FIGURE: Processing Order1

      The lab sheet mapped to the order appears as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Processing Order 2

      You can see the Order ID and Task Name appear. The sheet is automatically locked for processing.

      1. Review test results, data, calculations etc in the sheet.
      2. In the workflow stage field select Approveto approve. The approved task goes to the next step in the workflow. For example, in the Initiate field, select Approve.
      3. In the workflow stage field select Rejectto return the task. The rejected task goes to the previous step in the workflow. For example, in the Initiate field, select reject.
      4. When the task comes to the last step in the workflow, you can see the Clickto complete the test/task. The completed tasks appear in the Completed Orders folder.
      5. Click SUBMIT.

      Based on the workflow, the approved task goes to the next step. The rejected task goes to the previous step for correction.

      • Clickto view full screen.
      • Click to the order processing screen. If you close without saving, the following dialog appears:

      • Click SAVE to save the order.
      • Click DISCARD to close the sheet without saving the changes.
      • Click CANCEL to cancel the close operation.

      Compare Versions

      When you process the sheet orders, you can compare versions by clicking Compare Versions option as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Using the Compare Versions Options

      The Compare Versions screen appears as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Compare Versions Screen

      You can view the difference/changes between the selected versions highlighted in pink as shown in the above figure.

      Share Order with Other Users

      To share the order with other users, follow these steps:

      1. While processing the order, click. The Share with Other Usersdialog appears as shown in the figure:
      2. FIGURE: Share Order with Other Users

      1. In the ELN Unique IDfield, type the unique id of the user you want to share the order.
      2. You can grant the user read only or read and write access: select Read or Read/Write.
      3. Click SHARE.

      Note: Alternatively, you can click that appears on the order record in the Sheet Orders screen to share with other users.

      1. The order will be shared with the selected user and the order appears in their Shared Orders>>Orders Shared to Me

      Upload Attachment

      Click to attach files to the order. In the dialog, select file size option, click Choose File to attach files and then click Upload as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Attaching Files to the Order

      View Version History, Transaction History and Workflow History

      Click to view version history, transaction history and workflow history of the order as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: View Order History

      View Order Audit History

      Click to view audit history of the order as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Order Audit History Dialog

      Cell Level Audit

      ELN captures cell level change history. Even if you edit / change value in a cell and do not save the change, the change is logged in ELN and the same appears in the Order Audit History dialog.

      Copy Link

      Click to copy the order link as shown in the figure and paste in the lab sheet/browser to open the order:

      FIGURE: Copy Link

      When you open the link in a new tab, the following dialog appears for authentication:

      FIGURE: Copy Link Authentication

      Type valid Username and Password and then click Login. The order opens as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Order Opened in New Tab

      View Transaction History

      Clickto view version history, transaction history and workflow history of the order as show in the figure:

      FIGURE: Viewing Transaction History and Workflow History

      Alternatively, you can click that appears inside the lab sheet to view history of the order.

      ELN Task Order

      After registering the ELN Task Order, in the Pending Orders tab, click PROCESS ORDER that appears near the ELN Task Order you want to process as shown in the figure:

      FIGURE: Processing ELN Task Order 

      The lab sheet attached to the order opens in Excel.

      You cannot edit the sheet that is in the Completed/Approved state. But still, you can use the link, export and chart options:

       - Link with other lab sheets

       - Export lab sheet

       - Add chart to the sheet

       - Decrease Decimal

        - Increase Decimal

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