Logilab ELN - How to create User Role

    • After logging into Logilab ELN as administrator user, navigate to Setup page by clicking on Setup Menu.
    • On the Setup page, click on 'User Role' submenu to navigate to the page where user roles can be created, edited, activated or deactivated. In this page, the list of user roles already created will be displayed.
    • Click on 'Add User Role' button.
    • 'Add User Role' popup dialog window is displayed in which the new user role can be entered.
    • Enter the name of the User Role that is to be created and click on 'SUBMIT' button.
    • A popup message 'USER ROLE ADDED SUCCESSFULLY' appears.
    • The newly created user role gets listed and displayed on the page.
    • Optionally you can click the other buttons such as 'Edit' or 'Activate/Deactivate' for updating the existing user roles.

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