How to create a schedule for file upload

The Data Scheduler screen helps you to create a schedule for file upload. For this you have to setup the file path, client and instrument.

1.On the main menu, click, and then click Data Scheduler. The Data Scheduler screen appears as shown in the figure:.

FIGURE: Data Scheduler Screen

The Scheduler screen is designed in a way to scroll down to fill up required details. Alternatively, you can also click the tabs to jump to the respective topics.

Creating a template consists of the following steps

1.Setup File, Client, Instrument, Test and Method for the schedule

FIGURE:File Settings

2.In the Client Name field, select the client. Client machines that are added to the Client Master are listed here. You can choose the client for which you want to create a schedule.

3.In the Instrument Code field, select the instrument. Instruments that are mapped to the selected client are listed. You can choose the instrument for the schedule.

4.Select the Default Parser Method.

5.The Path Type option is enabled by default.

6.In the Source Path field, manually copy and paste the path that you created to store files captured from the instrument selected.

1.1 Setup Source and destination path for file upload and storage

FIGURE: UNC Credentials

7.Choose any one of the path for file upload:

8. Local Path: Click to select Local Path, In theSource Path field, specify the location where the files are uploaded automatically in the storage server.

9. UNC Path: If Source Path is UNC path(remote computer/an instrument), then specify the path in the UNC Path field and provide validUser Name

Info: Data is pulled from the UNC Path and stored in the server.

and Password for the remote computer/instrument. And then select the Domain. Click Check to verify if the given path and login credentials are valid.

10.In the Destination field, select the storage server path to upload the files.

11.In the Filter field, type file extensions to filter files separating with comma. For example: *.txt, *.rtf, *.tmf. Files with specified extensions alone will be uploaded. To upload all files type “*.*”.

1.1.2 Setup Backup policy

Here you specify the folder structure the scheduler has to look for files to backup. You can choose complete tree or specific levels for backup.

FIGURE: Add Tag Value

12.Click to check the Include Subfolder check box and then do the following:

13.By default, the Complete Tree option is enabled when the Include Subfolder option is enabled to instruct the scheduler to look for the files in all the levels.

14.If you do not want to look all the levels, then click Level and then type the level number in the field up to which the scheduler has to look for files.

15.Click Copy Files to copy files from the source path leaving original files unaffected.

16.Click Move Permanently to copy the files from the source path and delete the original files.

17.Click to enable the Delete Local Copy option and then specify when to delete the local copy of the files. This will delete the local copy of files on the specified date. You can also type number of days/week/months/year and specify the number.

1.1.3 Setup Backup Period

18.Click the Trigger On field to set the date for the scheduler to start. And set the time in the Time field.

19.Use the following options appropriately:

FIGURE: Setting up Backup Period Without Data Logger

FIGURE: Setting up Backup Period – With Data Logger

20.In the Trigger On field, select the date and time to trigger the schedule automatically.

21.Click to enable the Expiry Date option to set expiry date for the schedule to expire automatically and then set date and time for the same.

22.File Delete PolicyFile Delete Policy coordinates with delete policy defined in the system and enables to keep the bunch of latest version and delete the older versions.

23.Apply Delete Policy for Server Files – Enabling this option applies delete policy to the files stored in server machine also.

24.Enable file link - Enabling this option creates a link for each file uploaded in the schedule and stored in a table. User can use this link when required.

25.Under Compliance Policy, click Enable Version Audit. Enabling this option prompts for authentication from the user whenever there is a new version of the file is generated for the selected file type. In the Audit Filter field, type the file type to audit the specific type or type " *.* " to audit all file types. If Enable Version Audit is enabled, then whenever there is a new version of the file is generated /when you edit a file / rename a file, the File Audit screen appears enabling the user to view the version details and prompts for authentication as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: Add Template

26.Click to check the Data Logger check box, to enable create log for every capture from the instrument. You can filter and view captured log in the Data Logger tab.

27.In the Archival___Days Older field, type the number of days older the files to be archived. If you type 10 days, then log files older ten days are archived. You can view the archived log files in the Data Logger tab by using the Open Archive option.

1.1.4 Backup Schedule

FIGURE: Template Mapping Tab

28.Live Capture is a backup policy enables you to decide whether to maintain a live versioning system (ie. Whenever a file is updated a new version will be created) or the daily version, the final updated version will be maintained as version for the day.

  • If you do not choose Live Capture option thenOne time , Daily, Weekly & Monthly or Without Versioning options can be defined for backup. This will version the file based on the option chosen.

FIGURE: Template Mapping Tab – Configure Dialog

29. Click Submit. The scheduler will be activated on the mentioned date and time. And will be running till it expires based on the expiry policy defined.

1.1.5 Extracting File Metadata

The Scheduler Metadata section enables to configure extraction of metadata of the uploaded files. The template is selected and the tags in the template are mapped to the parts of sample file name / folder name in the uploaded file path for extraction. Once extracted, you can also set rules for the extracted tags.

To extract file metadata, follow these steps:

  1. In the Data Scheduler screen, go to the Scheduler Metadata The Scheduler Metadata  tab  appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: - Scheduler Metadata Tab

  1. Click to enable Enable Scheduler Metadata The following fields appear:
  2. In the Template Master field, select the template. Tags from the selected template  appears under TagName.
  3. In the Delimiter field, select an appropriate delimiter to split the file metadata.
  4. In the Sample Filename field, type a sample file name. Using the sample filename the metadata are tagged. For example, in the following sample filename, the parts of the file name are mapped to the tags as follows:

Sample filename: E6345-2022-1.pdf.

File Metadata

Tags mapped






In the TagName  field, tags from the selected templates appears. Select a tag, mention where to extract values for the tag, map with the sample filename metadata. Extract Product Name

To extract Product Name , follow these steps:

  1. In the TagName field, select ProductName. Product Name / Method Name is extracted from the folder name of the Source Path  that is mentioned in the File Settings
  2. For the ProductName tag, In the Extract From  field, click to select Folder  option to extract name from the folder.
  3. In the Metadata field, type 0  to extract the name from the parent folder.

To extract the product name / method name from the source path, type 0   to extract the parent folder name, type -1  to extract the grandparent folder name. And to get sub folder name, mention 1 , 2 , 3  etc.

 For example, in the source path "D:\Anwar\01_Current working\Schedule path\BRABENDER-LABSOLDATA\Analysis"

If you specify 0 in the Metadata field, Analysis is extracted.

If you specify 1  the Metadata field, BRABENDER-LABSOLDATA  is extracted.  Extract BatchNumber

To extract BatchNumber, follow these steps:

  1. In the TagName field, select BatchNumber.
  2. For the BatchNumber tag, In the Extract From field, click to select Filename option.
  3. In the Metadatafield, click, select E6345 and then click Submit as shown in the figure:

FIGURE - Extracting BatchNumber  Extract DataType

To extract BatchNumber, follow these steps:

  1. In the TagName field, select DataType.
  2. For the DataType tag, in the Extract From field, click to select Filename
  3. In the Metadata field, click and then select pdf and then click Submit as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: 61 - Extracting DataType

1.1.6  Set Rules to the Extracted Metadata

You can set rules to the extracted metadata. For example, for the DataType tag, the .vsu and .pdf values are extracted. Let's set following rules to the DataType tag.

  • If the extracted file extension is .vsu then the metadata should be rawdata.
  • If the extracted file extension is .pdf then the meta data should be report.
  1. In the Scheduler Metadata tab, under Rule, in the rulename  field, select the tag for which you want to set the rule.
  2. In the TagName field, select the tag to set the rule.
  3. In the Relational Operator field select the operator.
  4. In the Field Value field, type the file extension that is extracted. For example, .vsu  
  5. In the Metadata field, type raw data and then click Add  as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Setting Rule for the Extracted Metadata

 Same way, you can add rule for the .pdf extension. Once added, the added rules appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Rules Set

  1. Activate the scheduler.
  2. In the Server Data tab, select the folder and select the file uploaded. In the Tags & Parsed Data tab you can see the metadata of the file as set in the rule section.  
  3. If the extracted file extension is.pdf , then the value appears as Report as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Data Explorer - Tags & Parsed Data Tab Rule Applied 1

  1. If the extracted file extension is .pdf , then the value appears as Report as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Data Explorer - Tags & Parsed Data Tab Showing Rule Applied 2

  • Here the Product_Name is  extracted from  the parent folder name.
  • Batch_Number is extracted from the sample file name.
  • The Data_Type is extracted from the filename extension.  Rule applied:

  • If the extracted file extension is .vsu then the metadata is rawdata.
  • If the extracted file extension is .pdf then the meta data is report.

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