Logilab SDMS -FTP Data View

1.1Server Data Tab

Here you see the list of files uploaded in the storage server for the selected client/group as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:-Server Data Tab

  • You can also filter files based on Client, Instrument, Record Duration, Task Status and/or Workflow Status as shown in the above figure.
  • In the Task Status field select All / Active / Deactive / Retire. Based on the selected status the files are fetched as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Filter Files Based on Task Status

  • Files highlighted in green are active files.
  • Files highlighted in orange are deactivated files.
  • Files highlighted in red are retired files.
  • The Configuration button helps you to customize by enabling/disabling following filters and actions in the data explorer.
FiltersAction Controls
Workflow StatusFile Download
Folder Download
File Upload
Folder Upload
Workflow History
Audit Trail History
  • All folders for the selected FTP location appear on the left panel. Double-click a folder and you can see the list of files in the folder on the center panel. Based on the file type (Image / audio / video), appropriate file icons appears as shown in the above figure.
  • Version History: The Version History option enables the user to view list of versions of the file. For every change, a new version of the file is stored in the server as shown in the figure:.
  • FIGURE:-Server Data Tab – Version History Option

  • Meta data of the selected file appears in the right panel. In the File information tab you can see the basic information of the file. And the Share Link that appears here helps you to share the file with other users. Copy the link and share it with other user. This link helps the user to view (only) the file content. If you are not able to view the file, you can also use the File Download option to download the file. The share link appears as shown in the figure:

    FIGURE:- Server Data Tab – Share link Option

    File Download: Select a file and then click File Download. the selected file is downloaded to the local storage as a zip file as shown in the figure:

    Open the zip file. You can see the file downloaded along with the Audit trail history and version history as shown in the figure:

    FIGURE:- Server Data Tab - File Downloaded with Audit Trail History and Version History

  • Manual File Upload: You can upload file manually by using the File Upload option as shown in the figure:
  • FIGURE:- Server Data Tab - File Upload Option

  • Workflow History: Based on the user group, user and team workflow configured, the data will be verified. For example, the first user saves the data with work completed status. The reviewer reviews the data and finally the approver verifies the data. The current status of the file appears in the File Information tab as shown in the figure:
  • In the File Viewer tab you can see the file content. i.e. Text / Image / Audio / Video. The file content appears as shown in the figure:
  • FIGURE:– File Viewer Tab

  • In the Tags and Parsed Data tab, you can view the tag details and parsed data of the selected file. The Tags and Parsed Data tab appears as shown in the figure::
  • FIGURE:- Tags & Parsed Data Tab

1.If multiple fields are parsed then you can click Multi-Fields to view parsed fields. The Multi-Fields dialog appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE – Multi Fields Dialog

2.Click Export to Export parsed fields to Excel sheet

1.1.1Search Server Data

The Search Server Data tab enables you to search records based on File, Tag and Parameter. You can search based on the selected field(s), records duration and by selecting the relational operator.

1.On the main menu, click, FTP Data View, and then click Search Server Data. The Search Server Data tab appears as shown in the figure:

6.Click Save..

FIGURE:- Search Server Data Tab

Search Server Data By File

1.Click to select the By File option as shown in the above figure and then click Filter. The By File filter screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE: 13k - By File Filter Screen

2.In the By File filter screen, fill in the following fields appropriately. You can fill in fields whichever is required.

3.In the Records Duration field, select duration to fetch records.

4.In the Date Category field, select the date category to fetch records.

5.In the Client Name field, select the client..

6.In the Instrument Name field, select the instrument.

7.In the File Type field, select file type.

8.in the Size > =, field, select the operator. For example, >, </,=

9.In the File Name field, type the file name to fetch records

10.Click to check the Save Filter check box to save the filter

11.Click Submit. Server Data By Tag

1.In the Search Server Data screen, click to select the By Tag option as shown in the above figure and then click Filter. The By Tag filter screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- By Tag Filter Screen

2.In the By Tag filter screen, fill in the following fields appropriately. You can fill in fields whichever is required.

3.In the Records Duration field, select duration to fetch records.

4.In the Client Name field, select the client.

5.In the Instrument Name field, select the instrument.

6.In the File Type field, select file type.

7...Click to check the Template check box to select a template. And then select the template from the list. Tags that are available in the selected template appears below as shown in the above figure. Select the tag

Click to check the Save Filter check box to save the filter.

9.Click Submit. Records matching the selected tag and other search criteria are fetched and appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE – Server Data Fetched - By Tag Filtern Server Data By Parameter

1.In the Search Server Data screen, click to select the By Parameter option and then click Filter. The By Parameter filter screen appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- By Parameter Filter Screen

2.In the By Parameter screen, in the Records Duration field, select duration to fetch records.

3.In the Field Name field, click and then select the field to search. Click to add more fields to the filter.

4.In the Relational Operator field, click and then select the operator. For example, = >, <,etc.

5.In the Field Value field, type the value.

Click to check the Save Filter check box to save the filter setting.

Click Submit. The Save Filter dialog appears as shown in the figure

FIGURE: – Save Filter Dialog

8.In the Filter Name field, type a name for the filter you want to save and then click Submit. The chart view of the filtered server data appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:– Multi Fields Chart View

9.Click. The grid view of the filtered server data appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:– Multi Fields Grid View

  • For more information on FTP Group, refer FTP Configuration.
  • For more information about Clients refer Client Master.

1.1.2Action Controls

  • Open Select a folder in the center panel and then click Open to view its contents.
  • File Download - Select a file in the center panel and then click File Download to download the file to the local computer.
  • Restore – Restores the file to the source location (client) from where the file is initially uploaded..
  • File Upload – Enables to upload files manually.
  • Folder Upload – Enables upload folders manually.
  • Folder Upload – Enables upload folders manually.
  • Work Complete – Helps to change the status of the file. Once the work is completed, select a file and click Work Complete. The Electronic Signature screen appears. Type your password, in the Decision box, select the status i.e Work Completed, in the Comments box, type comments and then click Submit. Now the record/file will go to the Review stage.
  • Workflow History – Select a file and click Workflow History. Details of workflow stages the file passed through will appear in the Workflow History screen.
  • Tag – Enables view and update tag details for the selected file.
  • Tag – Enables view and update tag details for the selected file.
  • Multi-File Select – This option helps to change status of the multiple files in the workflow. In the Server Data Tab click Multi-File Select as shown in the figure:
  • FIGURE:- Multi-File Select

    The Workflow Status screen appears as shown in the figure:

    FIGURE:– Updating Status of Multiple Files

  • Follow the on screen instructions to update status of multiple files.
  • Audit Trail History: Enables view audit trail history of the server data as shown in the figure:
  • FIGURE: 13t - Audit Trail History

    Attribute: Enables view attributes of the selected record/document as shown in the figure:

1.2Template View Tab

When a file is received from an instrument, the file is filtered and captured based on the template parameters set in the Instrument lock screen. And the files are listed with the tag values as shown in the figure

FIGURE:Template View Tab

You can also double-click the file from the list to open to view the contents as shown above.

Instrument Lock helps in linking metadata from the template tags. Before capturing data from an instrument, user can lock the instrument with specific combination of tags. These tags are automatically linked to the next data capture from instrument. The Template Data tab helps in viewing the server data based on the templates. This gives a more meaningful view for the data captured from instruments. For example: A quality control analyst will be interested in viewing data based on product> test>batch#. To know more about instrument lock, refer Instrument Lock and Tags

1.3 Data Logger Tab

The Data Logger tab enables filter and view captured file log based on the FTP Group, Client, Instrument and specified date range. You can filter file log based on the Data Type: Alarm / Reading / Both and Channel: A1/ B1/A2/B2/All. The Data Logger tab appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Data Logger Tab Showing Log in Grid

Note: Data Logger feature is applicable only for interfacer mapped instruments.If the Data Logger checkbox in the Scheduler screen is checked, then for every capture from the instrument, log is created and stored in the specified path. Auto Refresh: If you enable the Auto Refresh option, the log screen is refreshed with new entry for every capture from the instrument.

Chart View

By default, the Data Logger screen appears in the grid. You can click to view log in the chart form for all data types: Alarm / Reading / Both and for the selected channel as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Data Logger Tab Showing Log in Chart for the Selected Data Type and Channel

Open Archive

Data log can be archived if the same is mentioned in the scheduler. Click to view the log in the archive. The Open Archive screen appears as shown in the figure:

To view the archive in the chart click . The chart view appears as shown in the figure:

FIGURE:- Data Logger Tab Showing Log in the archive – Chart View

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